The Importance of Setting Goals The importance of setting a goal is that you have an idea of what you want to accomplish in the future. Setting goals motivates you, over come procrastination, and you stay focus.
Freelance Today my day has been going great so far. During 7th period at 12:45 I will be donating blood. I don't like needles but as long i am able to help the people that need blood i will do it. SLC went good yesterday.
Six Rules to Make People Like You How to Win Friends and Influence People Six Rules to Make People Like you. If you want people to like you......... Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people. Rule 2: Smile Rule 3: Remember names This means that you should remember the person you are talking to and your friends name. To remember someones name you can listen to them, if they weren't clear when saying their you can ask them to repeat it, you can also observe their facial features. Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. This means to listen to others when they are telling you something very important. Also be a good listener when a friend needs you. Encourage your friends to talk about themselves that you can get to know them. Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest. Rule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely Th...
9/11 Attacks On September 11,2001 there was a terrorist attack. There were two plains that were hijacked and they flown in to the twin towers. The two plains were hijacked from terrorist that was from an Islamic group called al-Qaeda. In this attack there were 2,996 deaths and 6,000 people injured.
So far my week has been going good. I started practice on Monday it was good and tiring, i am still a little sore from practice. Today i might go to practice or might not because i have to go to tutoring for math. On Monday night when i was doing my hw my cat layed on my hw while i was working on it. I might go to the homecoming dance.