9 Ways
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1.Be Grateful
Being grateful means to have a positive attitude. It also mean that you are grateful for your friends and family. There are so many ways to be grateful for your friends, your friends are there for you when you need them the most, they are a shoulder to cry on if you really need it, they help you through tough times, etc. There are also so many ways to be grateful for your family, you family will also be there for you, they courage you to do something you want to do, they give you advice, etc. Being grateful can also mean helping others out when you see them struggling. There are so many ways you can be grateful.

Being grateful means to have a positive attitude. It also mean that you are grateful for your friends and family. There are so many ways to be grateful for your friends, your friends are there for you when you need them the most, they are a shoulder to cry on if you really need it, they help you through tough times, etc. There are also so many ways to be grateful for your family, you family will also be there for you, they courage you to do something you want to do, they give you advice, etc. Being grateful can also mean helping others out when you see them struggling. There are so many ways you can be grateful.

2.Be Smart
Being smart means that you can be education smart and making smart decisions. For being education smart you can be smart in math, science, history, etc you can be smart in all classes. For making smart decisions you either have to choose the wrong path or choose the right path.
3.Be Involved
Being involved can mean so many things like being involved in school, sports, clubs. It also means to experience or participate in an activity or situation. Being involve in school is that you are coming to school everyday, you are doing your work that you are supposed to do, you listen and pay attention to your teacher. To be involved in sports you have to show up to practice everyday that you can be in condition when you have a game.
4.Be Clean
Being clean means that either can be spring cleaning, hygiene clean,clean infections, can be clean from doing wrong things. For spring cleaning you can be cleaning your room, the kitchen, restroom(bathtub, toilet, sink), living room. For hygiene you can take a shower, brush your teeth. To clean infections you can wrap it up, use soap and water, antibiotic ointment. Be clean wrong things can be so many things for example drugs and so many other things.

5.Be True
To be true means not let others define who you are. Also to not let others make decisions for you. Being true means being honest. There are so many ways you can be true. You can tell the truth instead of lying about something that did happen/ that you did but you are saying that it didn't happen/ you didn't do it. You can be true to yourself by not putting yourself down. Also not letting others bring you down.
6.Be Positive
Being positive can having a positive attitude, thinking positively. Having a positive attitude can be that you are being kind to others, helping others in need. By thinking positively you can accomplish somethings for example if you think positively while you are doing your homework you can get it done and get a good grade on it.
7.Be Humble
Being humble means that you are are courteously respectful. That means that you are kind to others, that you respect others. Being humble can also mean seeing happiness as a journey. Being humble also means being conscientious. Also focusing energy on others cab be humble.

8.Be Still
Being still can mean that you are clam or from the bible verse Psalms 46:10. By being calm you slightly show emotions of fear and anger. Psalms 46:10 which is "Be still, and know that I am God". This means that God's people should go to a place where we are able to submit ourselves to God and to acknowledge that he is sovereign control.
9.Be Prayerful
Being prayerful means you pray for others in time of there needs. It can also mean prayer request. Prayerful means given to, characterized, or expressive of prayer, devout. It can also mean that you are speak to the lord/God. By thanking the lord for his blessings.
Reflection:The 9 ways will be helpful to use during my life time. It will make me a better person than I am. These 9 ways are good to use but I don't know if I will use all of the them, I will use some of them. For some people the 9 ways could be helpful for them, that they can be happy and think positive, and that things can get better for them.

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